
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Reclaiming: Creative Meandering

I've been torturing myself with comparison and competition lately.  

I could go into a lot detail about this (and I actually did, but I backspaced over it because it sounded whiny and jealous and that's not the point of this post). I'll save it for my journal.  

The point of this post is that comparison and competition are thieves.  

They are the thieves of my joy, of my fulfillment, of my gratitude, of my peace and even of my creativity.


It's not a race.

Even if it were, I don't have to run.

Their destination is not my destination. If they want to race to get where they're going, it's their race, not mine.

I can take as long as I want, as long as I need or as long as it takes.

I can stop at roadside vegetable stands and eat all the fresh tomatoes.

I can detour.

I can visit all the rest stops and linger.

I can meander. 

So can you.

<3 Lori


  1. I know right where you're coming from, Lori. I think I'm through the worst of it, but those little thieves are still messing' with me from time to time. I think God has a different plan for me than the one I had for myself. There are wonderful parts of the life that is unfurling before me, but there is still a part of me that wants the life I had envisioned. So, I'm meandering. I've heard that we are built to never be completely content on this earth, so we'll keep ours eyes to the Heavens. I wonder if that is what's going on?

  2. This spoke straight to my heart. <3 this.

  3. I feel ya Lori. Many times i find myself racing, racing, racing. I feel like i need to "Catch up" with people. that's when i take a deep breath and remember the only one giving myself these deadlines of achievement is me! I have to be vigilant in remind myself that my path is mine alone and will not look like anyone else's and thats ok! So maybe we'll meet at that roadside stand and eat some corn together and watch the clouds roll by! <3 love ya!

  4. I feel ya Lori. Many times i find myself racing, racing, racing. I feel like i need to "Catch up" with people. that's when i take a deep breath and remember the only one giving myself these deadlines of achievement is me! I have to be vigilant in remind myself that my path is mine alone and will not look like anyone else's and thats ok! So maybe we'll meet at that roadside stand and eat some corn together and watch the clouds roll by! <3 love ya!


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