
Monday, January 5, 2015

Reclaiming: Arc Planners by Staples and No More Nekkid Spirals

This is the first in a series of posts that will highlight some of the tools and methods I'm using to "reclaim" myself this year.  As I mentioned in this post, I've let myself "go" in a lot of ways that aren't good for my health or well-being.  My "Reclaiming" series is about regaining some control.

One of the primary tools I'll be using this year is the Arc Customizable Notebook System by Staples.  I don't work for Staples and I'm not getting anything out of this post besides the giddiness that comes when one is a total school supply nerd and geeks out over notebooks and pens and planners and the like. There's a good deal of that, actually, because this system is amaze-balls and they only reason I didn't know about them until now is that we don't have Staples where I live.  Heaven knows I spend enough time in Office Max, Office Depot and the office supply aisles at Target and Walmart that, should they have had anything as swoon worthy as this thing, I'd already have snatched them all up and bragged about them ad nauseum.

 So, what's so great about it? 
  • It has all the benefits of a spiral notebook with none of the drawbacks.  It lies flat, folds back, has removeable pages, but is also refillable. No NEKKID SPIRALS.  Ever.
  • It's expandable.  You've filled up your Arc?  No problem.  Get some bigger rings, and fill it up  some more.
  • It's adaptable.  While you can buy all kinds pre-printed pages from Staples for your Arc planner--calenders, lined pages, grid pages, to do lists, etc--with the Arc punch, you can make anything fit into your Arc planner.  Your Arc planner can be anything your heart desires or even everything your heart desires all at once because you can get tab dividers, pocket dividers or punch a manilla envelope to hold monthly receipts for your art business. 

 How am I using it?

I have three Arc notebooks, two full sized and one half size.  
  • One full sized book is filled with lined paper. I'll keep it on my desk at home with my study Bible, parallel Bible, and commentary all ready to go when I sit down for my morning time.  I find that I'm a lot more likely to continue a regular study habit when I don't have to run around looking for all my stuff.  Keeping a full set of materials in my designated study spot will help ensure that I devote all the time designated to it studying instead of searching.  
  •  The half sized book has a super cute cover and tabs, which I haven't named yet. But I'm going to carry it in my purse with me for all the times that I think of things on the run and have no place for noting.  Since the holes for the smaller size also fits the larger notebooks, I can move over the notes to my primary planner as needed. 

  • The other full sized notebook serves as my primary planner.  There are sections for my real job, my art business and my personal life.  Some of my favorite components so far are:
    • The weight and fitness tracker that I've written about over on the Cre8ive Klatch blog. I saw someone else make something similar on Pinterest. I adapted it for my needs. Here's a sneak peek. Read the post here.
    • I don't have it yet, but I know the Passion Planner (it's delayed by some kind of strike on the shipping docks in California.  Come on guys!!  Get back to work!)  will be a great addition. I'll just tear the pages out of the bound copy I bought and use them in my Arc Notebook.  

    • I punched some sketch paper for the back of my planner.  So even though there's a black leather cover that's all business and a business calendar in the front and I can take it to meetings at work, my creative brain has a little playground back there.  Business in the front; party in the back.
 Don't forget to go over to click over to the Cre8ive Klatch blog and check out the fitness/weight tracker I've created for my Arc notebook.  And come back on next Monday for the next installment of Reclaiming where I'll talk all about Whole 30 and how I'm using it to reclaim a part of me.
I would love to hear about your planner!  Please leave a comment and let's discuss.

<3 Lori


  1. Love the idea of reclaiming in any form. Nice redo.

  2. Well you really are getting organized!!

  3. Thanks for the overview. I am still trying to decide between buying all the stuff for the ARC planner or just going back to a 3-ring binder. Looks like you are organized and ready for the new year!

  4. {{{fingers in ears-LALALALALALALA}}} I can feel myself caving...


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