
Monday, September 1, 2014


Summer 2014 was one of the better ones, I'd say.  Here's a quick review. 

My son came home from a successful first year of college and got a great job. 

A few days after school let out my girl headed off to her Great European Adventure.

The same day, the man and I left for a second honeymoon in Maine. 

I set up for my first Artwalk and got caught in an epic hailstorm.

We had our annual front yard July 4th fireworks display. 

We had a fun time on our family vacation to Red River. 

We completed The Great Backyard Makeover. 

We got an early start and got the boy all moved in to his new school.  

Then, the night before school started, we joined 100,000 squealing girls at Cowboy Stadium for a One Direction concert. 

I look back and I'm so very grateful for this memorable summer of being together and working together, big adventures, reaching new goals, and watching some dreams come true.  So very thankful.

The days are getting shorter.  It's getting a little cooler.  School has started, and I'm looking forward to fall, my most favorite time of the year!  Fire pits, boots, sweaters, stew and soup, the color, the cool--so many things to LOVE about fall.  I love to hear what you are most looking forward to this fall.

Coming soon to the big plans for fall.

<3 Lori

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