
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Keeping It Real--Studio Table

I took this week off for vacation. The plan was to work on my business ALL. WEEK. LONG.--make art, write some blog posts, get some stuff that's been lying around listed in my Etsy.  I probably should have cleaned my space before I got started.

But if I had done that, I wouldn't be able to give you a glimpse into what my space (and often my mind too) really looks like most of the time when I'm working.  This is exactly how it looked when I quit for the night.  I tried to get the whole scene for you--the pile of paper and stuff on the table along with my brushes that I just washed for the first time in a couple of months this morning, paint tubes on the floor so I can find them, piles of paper from all the snipping I've been doing.

I lost my scissors today...again. I have a running list of other stuff that's lost in the heaps right now. I'm sure it's all there somewhere.  So here goes.

Now I'll be forced to do an "after".  But don't hold your breath. I have three more days of my #LeissnerArtWeek.  If I can still see the floor by then, I'll consider it success.

To see more messy studio spaces, check out Seth Apter's blog post at The Altered Page.


  1. Your studio is a wonderful mess. xoxo

  2. Great shot, what is it about scissors . . . I've bought several now and am always losing them.

  3. Oh, I love your space and the floor is classic..

  4. What a fun and colorful WORKING studio space you have! And that list of what needs to be done sure does resonate for me ;)

  5. cleaning can wait - art-on!! Thanks for sharing your space!

  6. It looks good and it looks REAL. Thanks for the peek!

  7. Love your colorful space. xox

  8. This doesn't look too bad... Any day you can see the floor is a good day isn't it... Love that giraffe painting...xx

  9. I am extremely jealous! You have a wonderful art space! The giraffe makes me smile.

  10. Oh I love your studio.... I could have so much fun in there !

  11. Your studio is great fun with all the little cubbies and tubbies. What a treat to come into the inner sanctum.

  12. OMG! I would so step on or roll over the tubes...

  13. Thanks for sharing your bright and beautiful, creatively cluttered space with us! Hope you had an amazingly productive week! :)

  14. So glad to see my floor isn't the only one with paper on it. Great space

  15. Great working space. I sensed a lot of joy and 'playfulness' which is born out in your work. I love your 'bird' painting. Ann

  16. Yours was the first of these spaces that I visited and I LOVE IT! Looks like some major creativity was going on in there. ;)

  17. aaah! Now that's a studio in progress!! Love you space~ thanks so much for sharing!


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