
Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Y'all...I'm not even kidding. I love fall more than cake and sleep and Chic Fil A ice cream. I love it.  I love the smell of fall. I love the cool mornings and bugless evenings.  I love the leaves changing colors.  I love the frost on the windows. I love bringing the firewood up to the porch.  I love the idea of loving football even though I don't love football at all.  I love boots and sweaters and not even having to think about wearing a swimsuit.

After such a great summer, I'm looking forward to an equally stellar fall. Since I love bullet points and numbered lists. Here are four things I'm working on and really stoked about for Fall!

1.  Eating right.

Starting September 1st, I am embarking on a whole foods/paleo eating plan. I actually started a few days ago. Haven't had any sugar or sugary treat since....hmmmm....can't really remember.  I have had some cream and a half teaspoon of truvia in my coffee, so according to the sticklers, I'm not doing the real Whole30, but it's close.  Also not on the menu is bread, alcohol, any kind of grain, white potatoes, processed food (like bacon! ::commence sobbing::), dairy (except for that tiny splash of cream) (that means no CHEESE!!  ::commence gnashing of teeth::)  I bought Well Fed two weeks ago and have been studying it obsessively (as someone who doesn't cook would).  I'm really excited about this way of eating. I bought a thousand dollars worth of spices (not really that much), some of which I've never even heard of. I even tried out one of the recipes. I'll report more on that later. Even though I'm not going 100% perfect Whole30, I am going to follow their guidance regarding staying away from the scale for the duration.   I'll report back on the 30th about that..unless it's not good and then I'll hope y'all forgot. And y'all should pretend to have forgotten, m'kay?

2.  Bible reading.

I have tried a number of Bible study plans over the years.  For various reasons, it just never worked very well for me.  I see the pictures on IG of the #shereadstruth community with the coffee and their notebooks and their Bibles, and I get kind of depressed because I'm in the elevator almost to my floor where I'll sit at my desk not doing Bible studies for 7 hours.  Or I wake up early enough to do it but get sidetracked by laundry or dishes or I can't get connected to the internet to read the devotional first.  Something is not clicking in my brain or with my time to do those kinds of studies. But I found one that I think even I can do.  Blogging Through the Bible.  It's one chapter per day.  No emails.  No IG.  No fancy notebooks if I don't want to have one.  Just one chapter. I think I can do that.  Will you join me?

3.  Healthy living.

I'm terrible about taking my vitamins, even though I really, really need to take my vitamins.  I need a vitamin that reminds me to take my vitamins.  I'm hoping vitamins will help my failing memory, so I bought these Garden of Life-Raw vitamins that are reported by some healthy-eating friends to be the best. They don't make me sick if I need to take them without eating first, which is why I have sometimes failed to take vitamins.  So far so good!   I'm looking forward to stockpiling some nutrients.

I'm also working on getting better sleep.  I don't really know how long I've been sleep-deprived.  My oldest child is 19, years seems about right.  It has to stop, though. I NEED SLEEP!   This is helping me with my sleep.  A drop rubbed on the feet and a little on the pillow and it is sweet dreams. 

In fact, I'm slowly integrating Young Living Essential Oils into my life and ditching the over-the-counter chemicals I've been consuming.  There's an oil for that!

4.  Creating.

I'm making time for creating too!!  I joined a fun band of cre8ives for a whole Fall season and beyond of creative goodness.  We'll be introducing ourselves and then we'll be sharing our favorite fun and fast cre8ive projects to carry you right to the holidays and beyond.  You can join us by following the blog and joining the Facebook group.

I'm so looking forward to sharing the progress on all these things and hearing your stories if you have them....especially anyone who doesn't cook starting to cook.  I might need some help!

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