
Tuesday, May 6, 2014


I haven't been here in a very long time.  I didn't realize it had been this long, though.  I hit a dry patch in my inspiration after the holidays. It's strange really.  I've noticed in the last few years the change of seasons between winter and spring is especially turbulent for me.    There are always end of school activities, schedule transitions, the busy season at the real job, the spider webs and dust that become more visible after a long gray season. A few years ago, I realized I had an urge to run away every spring.  Oddly, there is some comfort in knowing the restlessness is cyclical and would eventually yield to a more peaceful summertime ease.  Maybe a creative pause will also be part of that.

During my creative lull, I bought a bunch of books and began to read them all at one time.  I don't know why I do that.

I ditched all bready, sugary, yummy stuff from my diet (full disclosure: except one or two Lindt Sea Salt dark chocolate squares a day.  I believe in the sanctity of life, which would possibly not be preserved without's that.)  Then I gassed up my fitbit and dusted off my treadmill. 

I saw my artwork on national television.  That was pretty cool.  I cannot for the life of me find the Youtube video in Blogger's Youtube search function, so here's a photo and a link to the video which (thank goodness) I saved to my art board on Pinterest.

I also spent some time on the porch.

And started to feel some rumblings of inspiration.

Both these pieces and the other small things I've made in the last week since my inspiration came back are being added to my Etsy shop this week.

It's nice to be back.  Thanks for being here.

<3 Lori


  1. I'll be here whenever you are! Thanks for the newsy update. I can't tell you how thrilled I was to see your art take such a prominent position in Daphne's bedroom! Now on to bigger and better things!

  2. Haha LOVE tres gatos! And your feather gives me an idea for a future art project for my older kids so thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Oh cool! I can't wait to see what you do, Julie!

  3. You are amazing in all you do and all you are. So blessed that we crossed paths!


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