I bought myself a Fit Bit back in December. It's a handy little gadget you can wear in your pocket or on your arm that can help you track your activities. It's a web based application that uploads the data from the gadget on your arm or in your pocket via a wifi plug in much like the one that came with your wireless mouse.
I haven't actually figured out all the tricks it can do. I wore it for a couple weeks after Christmas, but when it needed to be charged again, it ended up on the bathroom counter for a few months.
I charged it up today and have it on my wrist. That's the first step, right? Tomorrow maybe I'll actually give it something to do.
That one little light is indicative of how much I moved today. Tomorrow I'll try for at least two dots.
Do you have a Fit Bit or a similar gadget? What do you think of them? What are your favorite healthy living apps? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Nite friends! Sweet dreams!
<3 Lori
I have been thinking of buying a fitbit, but worry that I'll never charge it if you can't charge it with a wall outlet.