
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Giving Thanks

It's that time of year favorite time of year.  I love a new year for the vast newness of it, for its adventures yet realized, for its uncommitted hours and for all the promise it holds.  I just love it.

For the last two years, I have joined friends in claiming a word for the year rather than making a list of resolutions I won't keep.  I gained Peace in 2011, Growth in 2012, and this year I am proclaiming my year of gratitude or Thanks.  I heard a saying recently that was attributed to a number of different people from Ann Voskamp to Oprah that goes something like, "You can't complain and be grateful at the same time." So I intend to push out any complaining (that I don't really have a right to anyway given the blessings that God has showered me with) and fill that time with praise and thanks.  I'm making a 2014 planner that will be all about thanksgiving, but I'll share more about that later.

To help me remember and because I'm home for two weeks and feeling arty, I made a One Word Limb Chop for my word.  I will keep it hanging all year where I can see it...probably in my studio. Then I'll hang it on my tree at Christmas time so I can reflect on my progress.  I'm making some for some friends who have requested them, too.  I've created a listing for my Etsy shop here for a custom order of your one word. 

BUT I'M ALSO GIVING ONE AWAY!!!  Just leave a comment here on the blog telling me your ONE WORD and why you have selected it and you will be entered to win an original hand painted LeissnerArt Limb Chop ornament of your very own.  

(Small Print:  Only one comment per person please.  The winner will be selected randomly sometime late in the afternoon on Sunday, January 5, 2014.  The winner will be announced here on the blog, on my FB page, Twitter and on Instagram.  If you don't follow me on those places, you might want to consider it so you don't miss anything. :) Your word has to be literally one word. Clauses or phrases will not fit on a limb chop.  The color scheme will be similar to the item shown.  Final design is also similar but my discretion (I probably will not seek out the perfect scripture to go with but will decorate with found papers).

 Thanks to you all for being here.  May the good Lord bless your new year as only He can.

<3 Lori

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Imperfectly Wrapped

I'm a terrible wrapper.  I try to be all Martha Stewart, but I end up...not so much.

As I was wrapping gifts the other day, I thought about how we are all imperfectly wrapped.  Our patterns don't always line up the way they should.  Sometimes our cuts are not straight.  Sometimes we crack open a little bit and have to tape ourselves back together.  But the truth is that we will never be perfect, no matter how hard we try.  Not here on Earth, anyway.

There was only one perfect human.  Our God in human form was perfect.  Today we celebrate the birth of Jesus, born of a lowly girl under stark conditions but worshiped from the beginning by strangers far and near as the Messiah, the King of kings, The Word, Savior, Redeemer, Emmanuel (God with us).  And if we remain faithful to the end, we too can be perfected in Heaven when we see Him face to face.  Oh what a day that will be!!!

Merry Christmas, everyone!  Thank you for your support this year, for reading here, for buying my stuff, for visiting my FB and Instagram and Pinterest, and Twitter feeds.  2013 was a good year of growth (my word of the year).  I'm very excited about what the Lord might have in store for 2014 and very much looking forward to sharing it with you as I recognize and acknowledge each day with gratitude (this year's word of the year).

May the Good Lord continue to bless you and keep you.

<3 Lori

Friday, December 6, 2013

Handmade Holidays

I just realized yesterday that the main reason I already have almost all my Christmas shopping done is because, since my son graduated from high school, we are not spending the whole month of December running around to basketball tournaments all over the state.  The two tournaments my daughter was supposed to play in have both been local and have both been cancelled due to weather.  The other reason is that I have committed to purchasing mostly from artists and craftspeople rather than running around at shopping centers and the mall.

I can't show you the great things I've purchased because I think some of my friends and relatives might actually read my blog occasionally.  Suffice it to say, I'm getting a lot of happy mail, and others are too.  That's because when  you buy from Etsy sellers, they will ship your purchases right to the recipients just like the big box stores. Often they will lovingly wrap your package and even include a card for you. 

There is a team on Etsy for those who create handmade.  The All Handmade by ME team is having joint sale this week. It started today and will end Dec. 13.  This is a great way to find some new artisans and unique gifts that literally cannot be found anywhere else.

This blog post from one of the leaders Stephanie Ledezma of The Astral Charm wrote a blog post about the sale that includes a list of all the participating shops.  You can find that here. There some really great jewelry, fiber art, wall art...all kinds of stuff.

I made a new banner for my shop so that it's easy to see what my discount is. I'm slowing my progress on Photoshop.  I'm sure this banner will make someone who actually knows Photoshop guffaw. But, hey, at least this one is the right size.

If you haven't finished all your shopping, check out the list of shops and get to it!

It's cold here today.  We got a snow day.  This birdie is very happy about that.  If he needed to shop, he'd do it from the comfort of his nest too.

Enjoy your day, friends.  Until next time, may the good Lord bless you with warmth when it's cold, good coffee to help you get through the day, and a holiday season that fulfills you and not depletes you.

<3 Lori