
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Blogging on the Road

So I missed yesterday of the blogging everyday thing. It's hard on the road. 

It is for me, anyway.

I'm in a big city at a training event for work. It's at a "retreat". But this retreat is one of those team building kinds of retreats, if you know what I mean. All the spaces are intended to engender conversation and comradery.  There's a ROPES course on the grounds. The restaurant is cafeteria style with mostly big group tables.  It's not so much of a "retreat" in the way an introvert like me might define it. The rooms, called "sleeping rooms", are sparse and kind of remind me of what a low security prison might be or a poorly decorated dorm room. 

This might help explain why I'm sitting in the car during the lunch break listening to the radio. 

I did manage to set up a little sleeping room art studio last night.

I'll write more for tomorrow about what's in my cute little vintage overnight art bag. 

May the good Lord bless you today with all the people you need and all the space you need. 

<3 Lori


  1. Glad you're making an art retreat out of an obviously non-retreat situation. :)

  2. Oh dear. When I read conversation and camaraderie, I figured you probably weren't a real happy camper! Hope you got some art made!


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