
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Blog Post That Shall Not Be Named

I've been sitting here for 30 minutes staring at the screen trying to think of a clever title.  But I have a giant crick in my neck which is apparently hindering the oxygen flow to my brain.  I cannot be clever.  I'm kind of in a bullet point mood.  So here goes....the top 7 events of the last week, in no particular order.

7.  It was my birthday.  I don't know how old I am. I always have to do the math. I'm not that good at math.  My neck hurts so I can't reach my calculator.  But I bought myself this.  She doesn't have a name yet, but she will. I like to name inanimate objects.  My printers are Goliath and Eppie.  I'm sure that's some kind of disorder:

II.  While my kids went to California to hang out with their cool, you-can-do-whatever-you-want uncle and his family, the man and I went to Kentucky for a few days.  He had a work reason to go there and I went along.  It was hotter there than I thought it would be.  I'm not very good at geography either.    But it was really pretty and green there.  Green.  Not blue.  That confused me.

c.  I'm going to have to retake all the pictures for the my paintings on Etsy because my new has-no-name-yet camera takes such great pictures.  Can't wait to practice with it and see all that it really can do.  Even dead things look pretty.

iii.  I'm kind of stoked because I have a bunch more stuff listed in my Etsy than I have ever had.  I'm going to add these guys over there too--20 inch square down filled canvas pillows with my art prints attached. HMU if you want one.  I also have some bookmarks, necklaces and new prints.  Check in there over the next few days as I try to get the rest of my new things added.

12.  I like to talk Twitter sometimes.  Like "HMU" above.  It makes me feel like I can hang with OOMF.  My daughter thinks I can't.  RME.  She thinks it's cray.  SMH.  The kids don't value my mad skilz.  SOML. 

This photo has nothing to do with anything.  I just think he's cute.

Goodnight, friends.  Let's be honest.  If you are reading this blog post, you are already pretty blessed.   May the good Lord continue to bless you and give you just enough challenges to make you thankful for what you already have.

<3 Lori


  1. Happy Birthday Nikon Camera gal... Nikon all the way! I love them and still think they make the sharpest lenses in the world. C x

  2. You are such a funny one. Love reading your stuff.

  3. Even in a non-clever mood I love reading your blog. Its always clever.

  4. I have been waiting on pins and needles to see the pics from your new camera and it was worth the wait, plus I had to pleasure of your witty and wonderful writing!!! xo


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