
Sunday, July 28, 2013

First Things First

I've been thinking a lot about slowing down lately.  Maybe that's normal now that I'm the mother of a high school graduate.  The last year has been a whirlwind. And stressful.  And happysadtoofasttooloudtoomuch.  Since school's been out, I thought we might be able to relax a little and start breathing again. 

But we couldn't. There were storms a'brewing.   I can't really go into detail here, but suffice it to say that deal about "pray without ceasing" is actually possible as long as brief time-outs are allowed for sleeping.  And, weeks later, I can say that God definitely does answer prayers.  It's true that sometimes He answers prayers with "no". But this time, we were on the same page, and He said, "yes" and I'm so grateful.  Resume inhale/exhale. 

Now what?

At some point last spring I signed up to do my first arts/crafts show.  Y'all that have been around this blog or my Facebook page or Instagram know that I put a lot of time and energy into building up inventory for the show.  A lot.  Too much really because something is missing.  My "word of the year", as you may recall from this post,  is "Grow".  But growing my business was only part of it. The bigger part of that goal was to grow my spiritual life and habits.  Because of the recent experience we had, I do feel closer to God because we spent so much time together talking.  Well....I was talking. But I haven't devoted enough time to listening to Him talk.  I need to change that.  How does someone with a regular job, a small business, another smaller business, kids, and a husband fit it all in?  I have no idea because I have stuff falling out all over the place. 

But I know one thing for sure.  Until I put first things first, things will never all fit.  If I can get things in the right order, God can make the rest of it work out.

So that's what I'm going to do--get things in the right order. I was considering signing up for another bigger show out of town this fall.  I think it would be a great opportunity.  It would be an opportunity to get out in the public, hand out more business cards, expand my audience and maybe even sell some stuff.  It would also mean creating more work.  Compiling more display pieces.  A lot of work and a lot of time upstairs.  But I don't think it's for me right now.  I think it's time to slow down, literally put God first by getting back to a morning study and prayer time.   And, if God sees fit to grow my business after I've given him my first fruits, He'll show me the way to do that.

You know when you make a decision and you know right away it's absolutely right?  That's what I'm feeling now.  Feeling grateful.

May the Good Lord give you peace in your decisions and help you put first things first, too.

<3  Lori