
Sunday, February 17, 2013

It's Time

My week, or at least the last parts of it, from instagram and some silliness from YouTube~~

 My week started off beautifully when my "Love Birds" accompanied a great message about persistence from Brave Girls Club.  Sqeeeee!

  I got a happyhappyhappy shipment from Blick's Art Supplies with a load of canvasses and some other fun things to use during the holiday weekend.

These 4 x 4 canvas panels became spirit gifts for our girls basketball team who competed in the Area playoff game on Friday.  They didn't win, but they played their hearts out.  I heard they liked their little keepsakes.

Super sized red velvet cupcakes with homemade cream cheese frosting and Neocolor II's for Valentine's Day. :::googlyeyes:::

I restarted on a canvas that was a reject from my Flora Bowley class.  It was a joy to paint over that ugly thing.  When I got the this point, I stewed on it a while and didn't really want to go farther because I liked it.  I sought advice from my arty friends and had a closer look at it and decided I could do some things.

This is not a very good photo. I need to figure out a better photo set up for night time picture taking.  But this is what happened.  It looks better and brighter in person.  I've done a little more black detailing and need to do a little more coloring and paint the sides and it'll be good to go!  The words are from the chorus of "It's Time" by Imagine Dragons.  It was playing on Pandora while I was painting.  When I hear it, it makes me happy and sing at the very top of my lungs.   I've looked up the lyrics, and, honestly, I don't know what they may have meant to the writers. But to me, these few words are all I need. 

Whatever it is that you are waiting to do until the "right time", do itIt's time to begin, isn't it?

And finally, a little silly thing from YouTube to share.  During halftime of the girls' game, the student section made a video. The kids gathered costumes from who knows where.  My son was wearing a gigantic blond wig and a collection of Mr. T-like Mardi Gras  beads. You might be able to pick him out on the  left side of the stands  about halfway up.


I'm not counting on this week being as great as last week. But I'm already blessed way more than I deserve, so I'm grateful to God for dumping that bucket of happy on me last week. 

I hope He has a bucket with your name on it this week.

<3  Lori

1 comment:

  1. Great post Lori about what you're up to...I really like the gifts you made for the girl's basketball team--they are true keepsakes and very meaningful. The painting "it is time to begin" I absolutely love as I already told you--it's beautiful.



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