
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Grand Theft

I went to get my hair done today, which I really needed because I have two teenagers at home.   Since it takes a few hours, and I'm antsy waiting so much, I always take a big stack of stuff to do.  I read my Somerset Studio magazines, make lists, and sketch sometimes.  I got these little journals a while back from Target. They have really durable, happy-colored covers and lines so my OCD doesn't get itchy when I try to write in them.  I love them.

I was going to write some notes in it. When I opened it, though, I realized at some point I had designated it as a poetry journal.  I found this silly poem I don't remember writing.  It's dated May 15, 2012.  It's not titled, so I'm calling it....

Grand Theft

The cat lost her mind.
The cat took my phone.
She went through my wallet,
And then she left home.

The dog asked to borrow
The keys to the car.
He said, "See ya later!
We won't go very far."

It's crazy!  I know!
My pets ran away
With my car and phone.
Oh man!  What a day!

I yell to my pets,
"Come back! You can't drive!
You also can't talk!
Can I get change for a five?!!"

But now I am petless
And carless, to boot.
They've left me alone
And taken my loot.

You cannot trust mammals.
That's what I've heard.
Now I've seen it first hand.
And I'm getting a bird.

"Date Night" available as a print in my Etsy shop today!

May the good Lord bless you today with sweet mammals in your life.

<3  Lori 


  1. I love you and your poetry! You're so full of life and fun!
    xo Lenore

    1. Thank you, Lenore! You put a song in my heart. <3

  2. I'm really starting to connect more with the mammal in my life lately, Lori. I've always been afraid of dogs ever since I was little and now we have one--a little 9-pounder. Yes, I was actually scared of her when we got her. But she has chosen me to be the one she comes to the most...she really is growing on me:) I now understand the bond between dogs and humans.


    1. Oh I love my doggies and don't own a bird. In fact, birds always seemed a little shifty to me. Ha!! Just kidding. But I would trust Sophie and Sammy with everything except my sandwich.

  3. Just drifted in here and have enjoyed my visit. I love finding journals I don't remember having written in and finding something like you did with this poem. Truly delightful!


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