
Sunday, January 6, 2013


I know a lot of you guys are familiar with the fairly-new-to-me practice of choosing one word to guide our new year rather than making a list of New Year's resolutions.  Last year, my word was "peace".  While I didn't achieve perfect peace, I did come to realize this, which I continue to practice:

"Grow" is my word for 2013.  This word holds meaning for several reasons.  The first is based on 2 Peter 3:18, "But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To him be glory both now and forever. Amen."  I want to spend this year studying God's word intentionally, making a place for it in my daily life, setting aside time specifically for that purpose and keeping it sacred.  Although the flu bug has already put me behind schedule, I'm using an amazing community of women called #shereadstruth to help guide my studies. They have a wonderful system of emailed devotions, guided Bible studies and social networking through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  It's really been great to meet several of these ladies already. I'm anxious to catch up and then spend every day with our Lord.  It kind of makes me cry just thinking about it.  Yea!!!!

Secondarily, this is the year that I plan to really start growing my business. LeissnerArt has been on a virtual hiatus during the 2012-2013 school year so that we can do senior parent things--last basketball season, graduation, help prepare for college, etc.  By June, that will be all done and my son will be starting his new life as a young adult.  What that will look like for LeissnerArt, I'm not sure yet.  But some changes have already been implemented.

I'm making new art.  Because of the flu, I didn't get to get these scanned and listed.  But I'll be working on that as soon as I can.  I'm anxious for you to see.

I upgraded my studio space.  Three plastic tables from Sam's have replaced my tiny desk and yard furniture.  Now my work surface is huge!  I have a designated painting/crafting space; an office space for blogging, record keeping and perhaps printing; and a surface for packing and shipping.  I'm so excited to have so much work space and so much organization!

Who wouldn't be inspired sitting right here?  :::pinches self:::

But wait!  There's more!!  Just kidding. That's all I got right now.  I'm planning to make to some business goals for the last six months of year.  I'm hopeful I'll have some things to share soon.  For the time being, just hanging out in my space and continuing to make art that makes me happy to make and happy to look at is success for me.  Having you guys here to share it is a huge bonus!

And now the giveaway!  To help me keep my word and my goals in mind every day for the year, I bought this beautiful bracelet from Brandy Klaers at Bound With the Word:

And to help one of you keep your word in mind, I bought one for you too!!  Your word doesn't have to be scripture. It can be just a word, a phrase, some other quote or saying that encompasses the message you want to speak to you this year.  You can have whatever you want on the bracelet if you win and you can choose any background you like.

You can get entries for the random drawing in the following ways (Please make sure I can contact you.  I'll give you a shout out here and on my Facebook page, so if you aren't a liker there, please give it a click, too.  I've had some people miss out on giveaways they won because I couldn't reach them.) :

1.  If you leave a comment here on the blog telling me what your word for the year is, you get one entry.

2.  Share my blog post with your friends on Facebook and leave another comment saying you did that and you get another entry.

3.  Follow me on Instagram (LeissnerArt) and help keep me accountable to #shereadstruth.  Leave a comment here letting me know you followed and that'll also be an entry. :)

That's it. Easy peasy.  I'll use a randomizer to select the winning comment on Saturday, January 12, and will announce the winner sometime that evening.  Oh! I can't wait to see what inspiring words you've chosen!  I really do love wearing my bracelet, I'm so happy to share Brandy's art with one of you.

Thank you, friends, for hanging with me on the blog.  You are blessings to me.

May the good Lord bless you this year with whatever your heart desires, in His name.

<3 Lori

Please continue the blog hop and read what my friends have chosen to guide their new year.  Click here to continue the hop.  Fly Tribe Blog Hop


  1. Hey Lori - "grow" is a great word for you this year--I love all that it implies. I think of new life, new beginnings, flowers, grass, our spirits, everything. You're off to a good start aside from that darn flu!


  2. I love not only your word, but your means of getting to it! And good job on the post and give-away!

  3. what a beautiful word. good luck on growing your business this year. and what a gorgeous studio!!!!

    all the best!

  4. Lori, I love how important God is in your life. May your year be full of blessings and love.

  5. Love this :) I've been pondering a "word of the year thing" for me... never done it. But BOLD keeps coming to mind... BOLD with my art, BOLD in sharing the Word, BOLD in my relationships... BOLD. So glad we've connected. Happy New Year my friend, glad you're feeling better!! ps - did you know I have a senior too?? Crazy. Can't believe we're at this point....

  6. Grow is a great word for the year. Mine is transformation - spiritually, physically, artistically and interpersonally. I'm a fan of your FB and follow you on Instragram.

  7. Mine is a phrase...This year it's "Meek and quiet spirit!" Last year was "This world is not my home."

  8. My word for the year is "clay". I thought my life was shaped and molded but turns out it wasn't so I am a shapeless lump of clay waiting to see what God transforms me into this coming year.

  9. hi lori. love your word grow. i wish for you to stretch artistically and in business this year! xxx

  10. Great word Lori! I hope all of your 2013 goals come to fruition.

  11. So funny that you posted this today, because I was thinking about this just this morning! I had a rough year last year, and then just found out my Mom has breast I was thinking about what I needed most in my life right now. So my word for this year is PEACE. Can't let life knock me off my feet and keep me down...not when I have Jesus Christ, and when I feel peace inside of me. So thanks for posting this today. :)

  12. ...and I shared on Facebook! :)

  13. Hey! You stole my word, Lori! Well, I guess it's okay. A "grown" person would be willing to share with their friends! You have a busy few months ahead of you. I know you will reach all your goals!

  14. Lori, I love your beautiful word and your beautiful art! So very glad I found you via the blog hop. Many blessings to you in the new year!

  15. Great word choice Lori. We're all growing, each and everyday. I've realized over the last year, how much I've grown, but also how much more I have to grow - in all areas of my life. I think you help your friends grow, and I for one appreciate that in you. Love you friend.

  16. I love our word -Grow. The message I heard Sunday night was "Stand up and Step out" and I have repeated it several times already this week. "Stand Up" for what's right and true (i.e. God's Word) and "Step Out" in faith where ever you are... not just where your comfortable (i.e. home and church). I think this will be my motto this year. Love your art.

  17. GROW into the amazing, beautiful, joyous being that you are created to be! May you have a wonderful new year filled with love and creativity. Thanks for sharing your blog with us

  18. Great post, Lori! So glad you are feeling better. Love the pics of the new work space and can't wait to see the new artwork. Grow is a great word for us all. Wishing you a happy and blessed New Year! FYI: My word is glow. I'm entered to win now, right?

  19. Awesome word and a great post. I'm excited to see what grows for you 2013. All the best to you in the new year, dear friend.

  20. Hi Lori! I'm so proud of your new space! It IS inspirational. I read the whole Bible thru in 2010 and am tackling it this year too. I'm not on instagram but I have my ways of pestering you to read daily. ;) I actually have 3 words (my goals can be outlined, subset, & quartered! Lol) Joy, Focus, Fitness I want to find Joy daily, Focus on purpose and be active to keep my "temple" in pristine condition! Love YOU!!

  21. I think my "word" for the year would be rest and relax because I so need to learn to rest and relax in the arms of Jesus. I fret and worry over to many things. Thank you for the give away!!

  22. Love reading your blog. I think compassion is a good word for this year. To really understand what it means and how it should affect us in our daily life.

  23. Lori,,

    Love the bracelet and I think it is awesome that you are so passionate about your art and your blog. I enjoy all the things you share with us through FB and the blog. My word for the year is "kindness" I think you can change so much by doing so little if you just exhibit kindness to those around you. Even the ones that don't seem to deserve it. They are the ones who need it most. I love you!!

    Traci Collum

  24. Lori.... love your blog post, very inspiring. I have been trying to read the Word before work every morning.... may look into one of the groups you mentioned.

  25. Dear Lori, Grow is a wonderful word and I love the meaning and your intentions! Congrats on your new studio and new line of art. Wishing you phenomenal growth this year spiritually, artistically and in business!! :)

  26. Lori - I love your updated work space, your new art and the possibilities that await you and your endeavors. I enjoy knowing you are holding your dreams and beliefs close to your heart. Don't have a word, Best, Kim xoxo

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Hey can I still comment? I just want to leave you kind words:) It has been a while since I last dropped by~this year has been topsy turvy for sure. Just want to wish you the best for 2013. You seem to have it all together though which makes me smile. Grow on! julie

  29. Can't wait to watch you take it to the limit Lori! Grow indeed! Wishing you a beautiful year ahead... full of possibility, growth and creatively inspired moments. C x

  30. I'm finally finding a bit of time, here and there, to get to our blog hop. Better late than never. I love your word grow and I love your new style of art that your making! You studio looks wonderful, so now you'll have all kinds of room to grow your business. Best wishes for 2013!

  31. Grow is a great word and also the word I have chosen for 2013. May this word inspire you to grow in all the directions you choose in the coming year.


Thanks so much for visiting my page. I can't always reply but please know I always read and I appreciate so much you reading and sharing my world.