
Monday, September 3, 2012

Scenes from the Porch: A Lesson in Slowing Down

We lead busy lives around here most of the time.  I have a regular job, LeissnerArt, Creative Clearinghouse, and all the work that a household requires.   I also have a husband, two teenagers, two dogs and six cats, all of whom require varying degrees of attention.  So, although I do come home from work some days and pass out in front of the television, it's a rare occasion that I get to spend several hours just sitting on the porch in the quiet--no requests for anything, no basketballs echoing off the driveway, no guinea fowl squawking their complaints that there's not enough food in the coop, and no arguing penetrating the exterior peace from the interior chaos.   Today was that day.

Today I learned, if you are quiet and listen, you hear the ducks splashing in the tank (that's what we call natural and man made, smaller scaled, earthen bodies of water here.  Elsewhere it might be called a "pond". No self-respecting Texan would call that a "pond".  It's a "tank".)

 You may also see a beautiful butterfly reaping a bounty of pollen in the Texas Sage.

Or watch a hawk land in a tree top,

And take flight again when the big white dog barks.

You might notice the helicopter hum of the dirt daubers busy with nest building.

You may experience the ruby brilliance of the setting sun through the trees.

And, if you are especially still and especially quiet, you'll discover the favorite tiny perch of the favorite tiny bird.

Sometimes, when the noise of life seems almost too much to bear and the hurry hurry that accompanies it seems impossible to maintain, the only answer is to slow down, be quiet, watch and wait.

"Hearken unto this, O Job: stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God." Job 37:14

May the good Lord bless you with quiet moments to calm your soul. 

<3  Lori


  1. Amen Lori. To the quiet times in our lives to just sit and wonder at the greatness that surrounds us.

  2. Ah....this is the first post I read this morning and I'm so glad I did. Thank's Lori!

  3. Beautiful! Love the hummingbird. I'm so glad you took time to be.

  4. So beautiful--what a peaceful post and peaceful pictures. Thanks for sharing this calm and beauty.


  5. Thanks for sharing the quiet with us. You photos and descriptions almost puts us on your porch.

  6. Oh, wow. Lori! Such gorgeous photos. I wish I could come hang out with you on your porch for awhile. I promise I would even be quiet so we could still hear all of those wonderful sounds you described. I am so glad that you took this time for yourself - you deserve it! xo

  7. Slowing down and being in nature is so restorative for me. :)
    Inspiring post and photos!

    So nice to meet you through FB’s Magically Mixed Art Community.
    I am your newest blog follower! :)

    Wishing you all the best,
    Mixed-Media Map Art


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