Happy Independence Day!!
I was sitting on the porch (my very favorite place in the world so far) this morning while the family was sleeping sipping my coffee and thinking how grateful I am for our blessings.
My boy got home safely from camp.
My girl had fun with her friends at a sleepover and pool party.
My man had the yard looking nice, and we had a beautiful day before us with no plans to go anywhere or do anything except a little reading, a little writing and maybe some fireworks and a movie later.
Some other fun stuff that's been happening around here~~~
My friend Ursula and I have launched our website where we are collecting information on all kinds of creative classes in one spot for your searching pleasure
www.creativeclearinghouse.com.. Come on over and have a look around, create an account so that you can make a favorites list and keep up with all your favorite classes and instructors. We'll be doing a grand opening soon. Make sure you have an account! You won't want to miss out!
Speaking of classes...I'm taking one by
Mindy Lacefield called
Paint Your Story. I painted this first venture into the cool layers she makes. I'm sure this is not finished. I'm not sure when it'll be finished. I'm just grateful to have gotten to put paintbrush to canvas, something I had no confidence would happen at all this summer.
Other fun views from the porch:
Max practicing his lounging. |
Texas Sage that will soon be filled with bees. |
And now I'm going to go get the pork roast out of the crockpot. This arranging of photos is driving me nuts.
I'll plan to be back sooner next time. Until then, may the good Lord continue to bless you...because when you are living in the land of the free and the home of the brave, you are already blessed far more than you could ever deserve.
<3 Lori