
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Happy Blogiversary!!!

This is how my day started not so bright and early this morning:

Honestly, how can you see that and not thank the good Lord for the day he hath made? 

Then I had to get on the road and actually face the world. 

What's the best way to repair a bad day?  Do something for someone else!!!!  Yea!!!!

This week, on Saturday to be exact, it will have been a year since I started this blog.  Unfortunately, I cannot now recall what inspired me to start that particular day, a seemingly random Thursday (Thursday??!!  Who starts something new on Thursday?).  However, I can definitively say that this has been a really great year.  I have learned SO much.  I've met some amazing people.  I have done things I thought I would never have had the courage to do. I may have overshared a little.  And I have had an absolute blast doing it all.

So for my blogiversary, I want to give you all a big THANK YOU!  Thanks for reading my blog. Thanks for liking my page. Thanks for hanging with me over there, for all your comments, for all your likes, for your shout outs and referrals, for your purchases and for just being YOU!

~~~~and now for gifts and party favors~~~~

I'm calling this a "friends and family" giveaway.  There are FOUR prizes--awesome stuff that I personally love and hope you do, too!

There will be four winners chosen on Sunday evening at 10 pm CDT (or thereabout) for the following prizes:

This awesome blank journal by Kelly Rae Roberts.  She is an artist/author/"possibilitarian" from whom I've taken two creative business classes. I also own three of her canvas prints, which I love. 

Brave Intuitve Painting, a beautifully rendered book by Flora Bowley.  I took her class "Brave Intuitive You".  Because I was one of the first 100 registrants for the class, I won a signed copy of this book (you aren't getting that one..sorry!).  I'd already pre-ordered one from (you're getting this one).  Although I wish there were more painting photos, it's a lovely book and talks about the techniques she uses to create her AMAZING multi-layered artwork like this one ::swoon::.  If  you don't want to do art, you'll still love looking at the pictures.  It's beautiful!

 This print by one of my favorites---Mae Chevrette. She's a young, hip Bostonite who creates amazing mixed media pieces using her own photography, great typography and sweet, funky details.  I actually own this original, so we'll be artsy twins. :)

And, finally, this LeissnerArt original mixed media 8 x 8 artwork which uses my own photograph (of another little art piece), vintage papers and maps, decorative papers, sheet music and a little smidge of the Holy Bible.

The "friends and family" part of the deal is this:  Although not a requirement for the giveaway, I would greatly appreciate it if you would share my page and blog with your friends and family AND each winner (chosen by random selection from comments to this post) will also receive an 8 x 10 print of one of my originals (I'm not sure which one yet, so we'll all be surprised!) to either keep or share with a friend or family member!!!  I love a two-fer!!

I hope the options are awesome enough that any one of them will make you a happy winner because the prizes will also be selected randomly.

So to be entered:

1. Add a comment to this blog post telling me the thing you love most about your friends/family.  Make sure to include your name so that you recognize yourself when I announce the winners.

2.  You can get another entry if you will share my blog post on your Facebook page or twitter.  If you do share or tweet, come back here and enter another comment telling me you did that.  It's the honor system here.  I'm going to trust you.

Facebook rules don't allow giveaways on their site. Comments will only count if they are entered on the blog.  However, I've seen a couple of giveaways recently where the first winner didn't respond to the winner announcement. Don't lose out on your stuff!!  I'll announce on Facebook and here on the blog, so Like my page (and make sure your settings are such that you can see it) and/or follow the blog. I want you to know you won!!

Two possible entries to get signed up for two-fer. I'm so excited to share some of my favorite stuff with you for my blogiversary.  Here's to another year together.  It's going to be a big one.

Thanks again for being here.  May the Lord bless you today with many brilliant sunrises.

<3 Lori


  1. Congratulations and thank you for letting us be a part of your adventures!

    1. I have enjoyed reading your blog! It always brings a smile to my face...and usually a chuckle or two.
      What do I love most about friends/family? I love the laughter shared, the memories made and the love that keeps us together!

  2. A whole year ~ congratulations Lori. A great commitment and wonderful job at it too! So glad that we connected on line last fall. You are a wonderful friend and fellow flyer!

  3. Good morning Lori! Happy Blogaversary! Amazing how fast time flies;D You have some lovely gifts and I'm more than happy to share your blog with others. As for my family and would be pretty darn sad without them;D Happy thursday!

  4. Happy Blogiversary, Lori! I love what you write on here. I'd love to win something from you, but more importantly, I'd love to finally get to MEET you. I feel like I already have in some ways! I am sharing on facebook right away! Love you and pray you have a wonderful blogiversary!
    What I love about my family is that we are loud and funny and NUMEROUS! I always wanted a big, fun family! The most important thing I love about my family is that they all love God!

  5. I LOVE the stuff you do!!!! The owls are my favorites as you know!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!!!

    Kimberly Caldwell

  6. Yay! Happy Blogiversary to you!!! You have a beautiful blog and I absolutely love your header. Thanks, Lori, for hosing such a fun event. Oh, and I jumped ahead and shared your page and blog on my FB.

    What I love about my family is how close we all are and how much they love and accept me for who I am. No expectations or judgement.

    Hope you have a fantastic day!

  7. Oh how nice to have found you on FB!! Hmmm...I think I love the fact that my children are so spread apart..30 on down to 8 (five of them). I get to have coffee with the older ones and be adultlike LOL! With the younger ones I get to home school and just be goofy and still watch Disney movies. Plus they are just really wonderful kids..every one of them!
    Nice to meet you Kim!! Sarah

  8. Happy, Happy Anniversary!!!! I have loved watching you grow and grow!!! Oh and also becoming an amazingly awesome friend:) xoxo Kath

  9. Lori, you have a wonderful sense of humour - love the 'this day was a total waste of make-up' : ))
    Happy Blogtastic-birthday! C x

  10. Wow--Happy blogversary, Lori! A great milestone to celebrate:) What do I most love about my family and friends? Well, my family that I live with I love the silliness we have together and my friends...I have three great ones from baby-hood until now so we have life-long bonds! Thanks for the opportunity to win something too.


  11. lori, congratulations on your blog! my friends and family are very supportive of the art i create. for that, i am grateful. it is hard enough to put it out there anyway! thank you for this fab opportunity to win one of these prizes! carlanda

  12. i forgot to add i will share this on my facebook page! for a second chance! thank you. carlanda

  13. Happy Blogiversary!!! A full year-nice! I too LUV the owls!!!! Heady off to re-post. Thanks for sharing yourself with us!

  14. Love sharing Blogiversaries with you, Lori. You bring my lots of smiles and help lighten my heart nearly every day!

  15. The thing I love most about my family is that we all love each other. Sadly, there are too many families who don't.

  16. Shared on FB! Happy Blogiversary!

  17. Hhhmmm what I love about my family...they make me laugh and cry and pray and be thankful that they are mine. They fill my heart with so much love.

    Happy Blogaversary!

  18. Lori - Happy Blogiversary. I love my family cause they are all mine - problems and all;) and you know I love your work. Best, Kim

  19. Congratulations Lori, and Happy Blogiversary! Thank you for this generous giveaway and for the chance to win. What I love about family/friends is the ongoing support, love and connection. They are always there during good times and bad. Have a lovely weekend! Wini xo

  20. Happy Blogiversary, Lori! :) I have a wonderful family, and super friends. To say what I love most about them, is so hard. Their love and support definitely makes the list...but they're so much more than that. I just love those "little moments" with my family and friends...those hugs when you haven't seen each other in a while...those little inside jokes that you forgot how they started, but make you laugh just the same...laughter, I love just sitting and laughing with friends and family! Those are the things that mean the most and are the most important to me! :)

  21. PS - I shared on Facebook! :)

  22. Very nice basket of party favors! What I like most about my family? They always accept me for whoever or what e er I am on any given day. Fabulous! Thanks for always being a bright spot Lori!

  23. Happy Blogiversary! What I love about my family and friends -- they are always there -- good times, bad times. And the wonderful shared history.

  24. Love my new art! It means so much that they were created by my treasured friend! Love ya!

  25. Happy Blogiversary! One year and how the time flies. (Mine is on Monday, already!) Family and friends bring joy, memories and love. Loving your art!

  26. I love that my friends and family love me, quirks and all! xoox

  27. and I shared on FB !!! Happy Blogiversary!!! xoxoxo

  28. Finally!!! I hope I made the deadline - Had to use Firefox instead of Safari : ).
    The thing I love most about my friends and family is that they are a very unique and quirky crowd - just like me!
    Congrats Lori and the amazing year you have had and I am expecting big things for you in the coming year as well. xo

  29. what i love about my friends and family......all the new friends and family i have made from our beautiful flying lessons group. it means more than you guys could ever know. jacquie

  30. just posted on my fb page too lori! thanks for the amazing giveaway. jacquie

  31. My family is there for me when I really need them. We try to stand by each other and really love one another even when we don't exactly like each other

  32. Also shared on facebook

  33. The best thing about my family is that I can truly be "me" (and my wonderful grandson!) Love your work!

  34. Just posted on FB and "liked" everything about you!
    Penney (again)

  35. Hi Lori! I'm new to your blog and your artwork, but I like it! What I like about my family is there are a lot of us and we're spread out so that when we get to see each other we get to travel.
    Kelly Sue

  36. Hi! Excited about your give-aways!!! I love my family because they are my greatest and best encouragers of my own art adventures/explorations!!! Happy to have found you on Facebook :)

  37. Hi Lori! Congrats on the year anniversary:)

    I love my family for all their support. We are there for each other during good times and bad:)

  38. Hi! Stephie here, we're in the Paint Your Story group... I love my family & friends for their encouragement and support with all of my endeavors in life & art! Happy One Year Blogiversary!

  39. Hi, back to say I tweeted this giveaway =)

  40. I love my friends and family because they add so much joy to my life! Congrats on your one year anniversary!

  41. Thanks so much to everyone for playing! This has been really fun! Love reading about your families! <3


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