
Monday, January 9, 2012

Just One Word

I stink at New Year's Resolutions.  I don't make them anymore.  In fact, it would be more accurate to say that I make daily be more patient, to be kinder, to clean my closet, to quit Diet Coke.  Some days are better than others.  And, truthfully, some days are epic failures.  This is the beauty of the "New Day Resolution".  You get to start over tomorrow. 

As 2012 dawned and all the New Year Resolution talk started, I heard of a movement where one chooses one word as a guiding word for the year.  The theory is that focusing on this one word will help to create it.  And it's only one word.  It's not a giant list all bullet pointed and alphabetized and pulled tight like a mousetrap waiting for that one misstep.  It's only one word.  How hard could that be?  As I pondered this, I found it very easy to select my word....that thing that I want more of in my life--the thing that I intend to focus energy and prayer and actions to create.

Psalms 34:14 reads, "Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it."  More truth, I'm not off to a rousing start.  It's day 8 of the new year and there have already been innumerable times that I could have done something differently, said something differently, or opted not to say anything that would have steered this lifeboat I'm rowing toward more peaceful waters.  It's a process.  I'm working on it.  And, one way or the other, I mean to have it.

Copyright LeissnerArt 2012

Clearly this has been on my mind for a while.  I was contemplating doing an art piece for my word when I realized that I have already done THREE paintings whose subject was "Peace" in the last year.  I guess I have been trying to clue myself in.

Copyright LeissnerArt 2011

The word "peace" occurs 429 times in the King James Version of the Holy Bible. Interestingly, "love" occurs 311 times.  Since, "the greatest of these is love", I'm drawing an uneducated assumption that "peace" is right up there.  Although Solomon was talking about wisdom and understanding, Proverbs 3:17 could (should?) also apply to me.  "Her ways are ways of pleasantness and all her paths are peace."

LeissnerArt 2011

Eleanor Roosevelt said, "It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. It isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it. "

That's what I intend to do.

And so, my prayer for you is the same as my prayer for myself.  I pray that the peace of God that passes all understanding will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus in 2012.

<3 Lori

This post is part of a blog hop that I'm participating in with my Fly Tribe friends from Flying Lessons.  Please head over to our new joint blog to check out other One Word posts by some lovely gals by clicking HERE.


  1. I have tears in my eyes. I love it, Lori.

  2. You're a good woman Lori.

  3. Awesome post Rock Star!!! xoxo K

  4. Lori this post is so heart-warming! Peace be with you my fellow flyer... Peace be with you!

  5. Beautiful, Lori. Glad to see you back in the blogosphere! -julie

  6. Lori! What a beautiful word and beautiful post. Your artwork makes me so happy! I love the two pieces (peaces!) on this post. You truly do spread peace by the work you do. I know it cuz I have your artwork on my desk and every time I see it, I feel peaceful and inspired. So grateful to know you and be a fellow flyer!!! :-)

  7. Love your pieces, Lori. And I love that your word has been bubbling alway subliminally at you for a bit now! xo

  8. Lovely post, and lovely art....makes me calm just being at your site...

  9. Beautiful post and word choice, Lori! Thank you also for sharing all those wonderful quotes and your art. I love your artwork!

    Hope you find great peace and many happy blessings this year! :)

  10. I see your word has chosen you. I love that your subconscious was all ready signaling to you what you word for 2012. I especially love you cat and mouse piece, adorable! Peace and love to you...

  11. I love the word Peace. It is such a tranquil word for me. I'm so glad Peace came to you

  12. Such a beautiful post from the heart. It's definitely your word -- it was all around you -- you had to acknowledge it. Peace be with you, my friend.

  13. Lori--this is great! Your writing is honest and funny--your voice really shines through. Ever thought of writing a book or column? Anyway, I feel like I've been searching for peace for many years myself and seem to be getting further away from it. Perhaps you can inspire me. Please? Great artwork too--you know I love the "Home..." one so much. Your sweet animals are adorable--sweet little way of presenting the phrase too! Best wishes to you for a peaceful year. Thanks for constantly making me laugh.


  14. Oh friend, you know me, my mantra being "find your peace". I hope you find some this year. It is a daily goal. Love you friend. Peace!

  15. i love your word & i love your post, may your intentions of working peace into your life be with you everyday..Happy Peaceful 2012!

  16. Beautiful post, Lori! Always love seeing your artwork. The canvas with the cat is super cute!! Wishing you a happy and peaceful 2012!

  17. One of my favorite words!

  18. Lori, your words are so beautiful and authentic. I'm in awe. It is so amazing when words choose us as yours obviously did. Happy 2012! xoxo

  19. Wow! First of all I love the "be calm in your heart" part. Next, I LOVE the "yes please" art. How adorable! I already LOVE the other paintings you had created. And the bible study (mini) - awesome! I can really REALLY see a deeper study there on Peace! Get our your shovel! I'm sure there are more treasures there. Keep creating! This is just the beginning! :)

  20. Lori, as usual I loved your writing! And how amazing that your word spoke to your through your art- Those pieces were beautiful! You are so talented, and funny and this year is going to be a big one for you, I bet. Enjoy your peace now ;)

  21. This is really wonderful, Lori. You really hit the mark and listened to yourself and your work! I could see the cat and mouse expanded into a series of pieces about peace, they are really sweet.

  22. Great post. May peace be with you all year Lori.

  23. Very well written! We should all try and be at peace with ourselves and the world. Wishing you the best for 2012!

  24. Your word peace is giving me such a wonderful feeling. May you find peace in the new year and let peace be your guide.

  25. It was wonderful to read what you had to say about peace, since that is my word, too! Praying for you to have a year full of peace, no matter the circumstances. xo

  26. Whenever I am starting to stress, or my children recognize tht I am about to lose it they tell me to "peace out". I hear this saying on a daily basis and it always brings a smile to my own little calming effect. Its a perfect word....
    Julie xo

  27. I love reading your words...peace is perfect for you. We all need to embrace peace more often. Here's to a great 2012!


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