
Friday, November 4, 2011

AEDM4 and Isn't That Pinteresting

Technology is supposed to make our lives easier, right? :|  Having some challenges getting this posted this morning.  I need to issue a giant apology for the quality of my images.  My scanner drivers are not loaded on this laptop.  The laptop it is loaded on is dead.  The camera won't take up close pictures very well.  Although my phone will, the blogger app is not as functional as I need it to be.....suffice it to say, I'm lucky to have anything on here. :)  I'll be working on all these issues today, though, so better things are on the way. 

The on-line art group I'm in is doing another ATC (Artist Trading Card) exchange.  The theme is "Winter".  My submission for todays AEDM are my little cards.  I love these things--so fast and so fun (again, sorry for the picture quality).

May the Lord bless you today with technology that works and deep cleansing breaths when it doesn't.

<3 Lori

Oh!! PS--I'm on Pinterest.  Click the Follow Me button over there -----> to follow me.  I'll follow you back.  I'm going to be adding an "Art from my friends" Board.  It'll be a great way to connect with other lovely artist type people.

<3 again, Lori


  1. Hey Lori! Very cute, you have a wonderful sense of whimsy :) and I hate it when I must struggle with technology...

  2. LOL. You are so funny, Lori! Technology -- you gotta love it and you gotta hate it. I love, love your ATC's. So fun.

  3. Love your ATC's!! And love/hate right?

  4. These are so fun Lori. Love the smart, not so smart one.

  5. I'm glad you don't hate them! Heeheehee! I like the one with the big butt...I wonder why? I'm inspired that you jumped on this challenge so quickly. I swore I wouldn't put this one off 'till the last minute, but so far.......nutin'.

  6. I'm totally with you on feeling the technology pain at times, boy oh boy, LOL! Your ATCs are delightful.....and hilarious! Love the snowman one....poor thing I think its butt looks fine. ;)

  7. the first snowman had me laughing out loud!! i'm following you now on pinterest...another good reason for me to spend more time over there.
    hope all the techie stuff gets sorted out.


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