
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Preparing For Takeoff

Welcome to the first annual "Spreading our Wings" Blog Hop! 
I am so thrilled to be a part of this hop with this amazing group of women. Our charge for this hop was to create a piece of art inspired by our Flying Lessons experience.  You can read more about Flying Lessons here.  The short version is that it's an on-line class with a private Facebook group component.  I've met so many amazing people through this experience.  I am so grateful to them for their willingness to share their knowledge and to be my cheerleaders.

I was watching a story on the Today show last week about Cate Edwards getting married.  The story included a tape of Cate giving a eulogy at her mother's funeral. Elizabeth Edwards' story captivated me from the beginning. She was a bright, beautiful woman who faced great loss, public humiliation, and a debilitating and ultimately terminal disease with grace and courage. Having experienced a little dose of breast cancer myself (but with the support of an amazing and loyal husband, thankfully), I found her story so compelling.  During her eulogy, Cate said of her mother, "She could bring out the brave in anyone."

Photo courtesy

I instantly thought of my Flying Lessons classmates. Thanks for bringing out the brave in me.

May the Lord bless you today with people who support your dreams and encourage you to soar.

<3 Lori

~~Please continue the Blog Hop to these amazing blogs to see what the other Flyers have created!~~

If you like what you see, don’t forget to subscribe, like and follow them!!!

Amaranthine Violet:

Amy Hillenbrand:

Beatriz Peñas B.:

Beth Cougler Blom:

Carmen Patti:

Carol Bray:

Christina Fajardo:

Cindy Jones Lantier:

Connie Rawlins :

Dana Brock:

Deborah Velásquez :

Elissa Brown:

Hillary Courson:

Jacquie Williamson:

Jane Paynting:

Janet Forrest:

Jennifer DeVille:

Jill Lambert :

Julie Hamilton:

Kanchan Mahon:

Karen Claverie:

Kari DeSaulnier:

Kathleen Conard :

Kathleen McKinnon:

Kathy May:

Kelley Miller:

Kelly Corso:

Kelly Hoernig:

Kim Hyer:

Kris Lanae Binsfeld:

Lenore Angela:

Linda Barutha:

Lisa Michele Products:

Liza Zeni Baker:

Lynn Richards:

Lori Moon:

Mary Cottingham:

Mary Sterk:

Megan Schmitt:

Melanie Douthit:

Michelle Dwyer:

Michelle Reynolds:

Rachél Payne (Rae):

Rain Hannah:

Rhiannon Connelly:

Ruth-Mary Smith:

Sherry Richert Belul:

Shirley Ann:

Stacey Chadwick

Susan M. Walls-Beverly:

Teresa Cash-Czech:

Tina Carlborg:

Tonya Love:

Ursula Smith:

Zulma Cadena:

Mary Cottingham

Special Thanks to Michelle Reynolds for the use of her artwork(! For more info on classes by Kelly Rae Roberts visit or check out her new Hello Soul. Hello Business. Thanks for hopping with us!


  1. Lori, I LOVE the brought a tear to my eye!

  2. Lori, you are so talented. I love the Art you created! And just so you know, you bring out the Brave in me too! Thanks for waving the pom poms ;)

  3. This is wonderful Lori, lovely to share the journey with you x

  4. Hi Lori, you've been an amazing support to us all thankyou so much for your incredible warmth, encouragement and humour (o" I love the piece you've written above and your inspired artwork, just beautiful. So wonderful to have shared this journey with you. Liza x

  5. Great piece of art Lori, which so wonderfully captures the soul of our group.

  6. I love your art! You are so talented, and you will soar! The story and the sentiment brought tears to me. Honored to be flying with you.

  7. Lori,

    Wow, your inspirational post truly brought tears to my eyes... is that like COL (instead of LOL?) Seriously... running down my face. You are such an inspiration in our group, constantly giving support, encouragement! Your are is gorgeous... touching... love the message! Thanks so much! Truly Touched, Kris

  8. Lovely post. thank you for sharing and supporting us all.

  9. Lori, We bring out the brave in each other and I find that so amazing and grateful!

  10. Lori, you are so talented!!! I love the piece and I loved the story-we are all so lucky to have found each other! Be sure not to forget to start that WA piggybank:) Thanks for being such an amazing person!!!! xoxo Kathy

  11. Lori, what an amazing story to draw your art from. What a compliment that is to anyone. The piece you did with the saying "You bring out the brave in me" is beautiful and so meaningful.

    You are a great and caring person and I feel lucky to be in this group with you for sure.


  12. First of all, I can't believe I hadn't signed up to follow your blog before today - I was sure I had, oh well-now I have! This post today was perfect and your picture so inspiring - I love what your theme: You Brought Out the Brave In Me. Beautiful . . .

  13. LOVE this piece, Lori. So exuberant and warm. Just like you!

  14. A very thoughtful post and a beautiful piece of art! I feel so blessed to be part of this group.
    Clare x

  15. Lori, what a touching, touching story. You're so sweet and funny, it's hard to believe you didn't come already fully equipped with all the brave there is. You have a light and warmth that equals no other I've ever met. I just love you. xo

  16. Lori, What a wonderful posting on your blog today! I just LOVE your art. You are a great artist and hopefully someday you won't be trapped at a desk anymore.

  17. Your blog is so moving, what a wonderful tribute to the loving support we get from one another!

  18. Lori, you usually make me laugh so I was kind of expecting that for our blog hop. Instead that was such a moving post! Thanks for the many times yiu have made me smile, and for sharing your knowledge and your beautiful art with us all!

  19. I wish my blog had a way to reply individually to all of you. Thanks so much for your kind words and for all that you have done for me in the last few months. You really don't even know.

    xoxo L

  20. Lori your comments on fb are inspiring ( and ok sometimes a bit funny!!!) Your art work is lovely
    . Keep flying high!

  21. Lori, don't tell, but I skipped to your blog even though I'm doing the others in order. I just love yor post and your art! I hope you are submitting this painting to brave girls! It's beautiful!!!

  22. Thank you for everything Lori. You really do bring out the brave in others. You seem absolutely fearless. I also live in Texas, we should meet up someday. I will be in Dallas for a show on Sat. the 5th!

  23. Lori, YOU bring out the brave in all of us! Thank you for keeping our amazing group alive with your consistency, your humor and and your honesty! I don't know what we would have been without you!

    And thank you for flying by my blog and for your words of encouragement "Lori-Style" :)

    You are a blessing to all of us!


    Leonarda aka Shirley Ann

  24. Lori - I love your art piece, so cute! Do I hear a Brave Girls submission happening!
    Thanks for being you and sharing yourself in the group - I love your sense of humor.

  25. Oh, Lori. What a beautiful message. I love the quote, "She could bring out the brave in anyone." And how you weaved such a lovely connection between that story, your art, and the Fly Girls. :-)

    I'm so happy to have "met" you on this journey.

  26. I will carry "bring out the brave" with me for a long time, it's just such a great phrase. Thank you for sharing it with us!

  27. LOVE the mannequin on your blog header!!!!

  28. What a wonderful artwork! It's good to think about how we influence each other - I'll remember this and you will have brought out the brave in me, thank you.

  29. Your post was very tender, it touched my heart. Thanks for sharing. I look forward to watching you become more and more of the person you want to be.

  30. I just love that piece. "You bring out the brave in me." we should all be lucky enough to find someone to say that to!

  31. Hi Lori I think as a group of creative souls we do bring out the brave in each other. Thank you for this lovely post. Jane x

  32. UGH! Can you believe I am just now getting around to finishing my hopping? I dont know how you did it all in one day! What a beautiful and touching piece you wrote. It is so thoughtful and makes me so proud of you in our group! I am rooting for you too as you endeavor to take on the AED stuff... I KNOW I COULDNT PULL IT OFF!!! Way to go Lori! Thanks for making all us girls smile with your antics and funny experiences. You touch more peoples lives than you know, just being you...

  33. Don't hate me but I am just getting to relax enough to read through the blog hop...! Lovely piece and it's people like yourself that allow the whole group to show off their brave! Thanks Lori! I had a dream last night that you, Janet, and myself got together in person in a little greasy spoon diner. We were all laughing so hard we couldn't speak, just show off our tears of laughter! Funny huh!? Someday...


Thanks so much for visiting my page. I can't always reply but please know I always read and I appreciate so much you reading and sharing my world.