
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Art Every Day--The Medley

I guess I'm fixin' to give away my they even do medleys anymore?  I remember shows like HeeHaw, that show with the Mandrell sisters, and Donnie and Marie (dang, I'm old) had people on who occasionally sang medleys of their music.  We were out of town for the weekend, and the weeks are getting crazy with family obligations, so I've missed out on my blogging for Art Every Day and about some subjects I really wanted to cover.'s my little blog medley for your reading pleasure.

It was Veteran's Day a few days ago.   My grandfather Alton Curtis Little served at Guadalcanal.

The journal my grandmother, Fannie, gave him before he left holds at least a partial history of the events he experienced there.  On September 18, 1943, he wrote, "A wild night, there were 4 air raids. Bombs dropped about 100 yards from me. Only knocked two or three holes in tent.  They really landed hard and shook us up in our fox hole.  Bombs dropped all way between here and beach, started a small fire.  I really thought our time had come". 

For Veteran's Day, I salute Tony Little.  Thank you, Papaw and all those who served with you who got to come home and those who did not, for all you did to ensure our freedom is secure.

Our trip this weekend was to visit my father-in-law on what would have been my mother-in-law's 80th birthday.  I packed my little art supply box fully intending to do some Artist Trading Cards for the next swap in our little group.  Unfortunately, I didn't get to that.  But my sister-in-law, Leah, who owns the really cool store fixture warehouse in Austin called First Rate Fixtures brought a truck load of awesomeness for me to choose from in exchange for drawing some clothes on mannequin forms for decoration at her store.  How fun is that!  This is the amazing haul I made!! 

Thanks, Leah! I don't know what I'm going to do with them yet, but whatever it is is going to be so fun!

I keep talking about these Artist Trading Cards and have even posted photos of the ones that I've done.  Well, yesterday I received the trades.  They are awesome!  Here are the little cuties I received:

Kathy May of Kathy May Designs

Ursula Smith.  Visit her blog at

Cheryl Fitzsimmons Dossey

Thanks, ladies!  I love them!  We have now filled a year's calendar with card swap hostesses and themes.  You'll be seeing these little masterpieces regularly. 

Basketball season has started.  I was trying to fill in my Franklin Covey planner with the game schedule, but I got writer's cramp and had to stop before I got out of December.  We'll be at basketball games at least three times a week.  I love basketball!  That's still a LOT of basketball.  I'll try to check back soon.

The sun is starting to put my favorite light on the porch outside my window.  I need to get to my real job now.  May the Lord bless you today with golden light, activities you love, sweet memories, and new friends.

<3 Lori


  1. Great post Lori. Hope your day is filled with all that you wished for us. :)

  2. Thanks for the update, Lori! I wondered what you'd been up to!

  3. Love the medley, Miss Lori! And no, you can't be that old if you remember Hee Haw, cause I remember that, and Donny and Marie. sheesh.
    Your entry of your grandfather really touched me. Thank you for sharing his words and most of all, thanks to him and his family for his service to our country.

  4. Thanks for catching up us! You've been a busy woman! Loved the tribute to your grandfather. Can't wait to see what you do with you new body parts. If it's anything like "Hope" it will be fabulous.

  5. Always love a good medley ;) Great post!

  6. I love your posts Lori! And I remember all those you mentioned, so I guess I'm old too;D

  7. Any post that mentions Donny is great in my book ;) . And I love the fact that you have your grandmother's journals and your grandfather's photos! You should definitely do more projects with those! Also, thanks for the mention :)

  8. What a wonderful tribute to the veterans in your family. On a side note - I watched all of those shows you named every week! Have to also congratulate you on your mannequin score - please make sure and show us what you end up doing with them!

  9. that is crazy busy... but you love basketball???? Lucky I love your art or that may make the think differently about you... suppose it is better than cricket, which takes days.... the season is just starting here and we are in for a long summer


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