
Monday, October 17, 2011

Favorite Random Musings

Okay. Here's the deal.....

(People who really know me know that when I say "here's the deal" what follows is going to be the bottom line, boiled down, no frills, tell-it-like-it-is truth.)


I do not have enough interesting thoughts to write three blogs posts a week.

So, Monday Musings, Wednesday Random Thoughts, and Friday Favorites is now a weekly post called Favorite Random Musings.

Favorite: These are my superfan Converse All-Stars that I wore last year to every single basketball game.  They symbolize how much I love the game and how much I love my boy, whose biggest fan I am (even though my husband would argue that...he's not even close).  These are my favorite shoes to wear to watch my favorite boy play my favorite game.  Basketball season starts in a couple of weeks.  I can't wait!!  And now my favorite girlie will play too!  Double the fun!
Random:  Speaking of my girlie....she bought a book at the book fair today called, "100 Words to Make You Sound Smart". 

Check the pronunciation, though, because if you pronouce "scintillating" as "skintillating", you won't sound smart.

Musings:  Monday Musings is where I show you the art I did over the weekend. I've been working on this girl for a while.  She's finished. At least I think this is finished.  It feels mostly finished.  There are some beauty advertising titles from a 1950's magazine in the background, some of which are just ridiculous.  To counteract some of the mid-century ridiculousness, the quote is from Kahil Gibran and says, "Beauty is a light in the heart".

I'm prayerfully hopeful that my life calms down a little bit so that I can maintain a weekly blog, make some more art and get a chance to take note of the funny, random little things that make me smile and that I hope will make you smile, too.

Praying the Lord blesses us all with peace in our minds and hearts and homes.

<3 Lori


  1. Lori, you have it right! i think a plan to do a post a week is good, and will have more quality and substance. Forcing it will make you tired...You are one busy gal! Do it joyfully, on your own time frame...Let's make the pressure stop here! We all love you,and the other blogs we wish we had time to follow...we are all buried under. I think quality beats quantity any old day! BTW: I am sooo in awe of your awesomeness for getting this going! (What's the wink symbol?) You Grow Girl!
    Rhonda, aka MoonSeazenDesignz

  2. You are a smart resourceful lady!! And I think Quality over quantity is the right move!! Love the way you write and think...and always make me laugh. xo

  3. i like the way rhonda signed her comment, so i'm going to steal that idea. it's hard to connect the names and the businesses sometimes! your "random" made me laugh out usual!
    -julie aka jaeartworks

  4. I've often gone back to one post a week... sometimes it's just easier and more interesting than blogging just for the sake of it! Love your lady and our shoes are very cool ;) Think I need that book too, lol! xo

  5. I usually don't even post that often, I never feel I have much to say. It's really hard to keep up with everything. Love your blog and your posts!! xo

  6. Hi Lori, thank you for visiting me. I know what you mean about the need to consolidate. I also post once per week, and more if I have time! The shoes and book look great! Your artwork is very lovely. You have done well with the profile of the face. I find them hard to draw! Have a lovely weekend, Wini xo


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