
Monday, September 5, 2011

Who Do I Think I Am?

I think I mentioned earlier about the two on-line classes I've been taking. Flying Lessons is a creative business class, where I'm learning the ins and outs of art as a business.  Soul Restoration is a to's about evicting the internal mean girl that I think we all have.  Maybe it's just me.  Although, I guess if it were just me, there wouldn't be two on-line classes and an in-person class in the mountains of Idaho that costs $1500.  Yeah, definitely not just me.   Anyway, through these classes, one of the questions that inevitably comes up is, "Who do I think I am?"

The word "artist" sticks in my throat.  In fact, I have to resist the urge to put air quotes around the word "studio" when I say it even though I of those things...upstairs.  Truthfully, I usually just skip it and say "upstairs" instead.  My internal mean girl, who has been given her eviction notice but didn't pick up her certified letter from the post office, is giving me a hard time about this.

I'm not sure what it's going to take to get over it.  I have made art and still make art fairly regularly.  I have an official Facebook page that says "Artist".  I have a blog where I talk about doing art.  I have a domain name and am working on a website.  I have an Etsy store that's waiting on inventory and a certificate to collect sales tax, which I'm getting tomorrow.  I'm almost a legit, legal, signed and sealed creative business, for Pete's sake.  I should be able to call myself an artist without almost choking to death.

So, who do I think I am?  I am a dreamer, a brave girl, and an artist (even if my palms itch to add quotation marks).

WHO do you think YOU are?

P.S.  May the Lord bless you today and may you recognize the blessings and embrace them as your very own!   

<3  Lori


  1. I know WHO you are.... you are a beautiful owl!

  2. Oh, Lori. I'm right with you, girl. No matter how hard I try, I feel like an imposter, unworthy of calling myself an artist. I just saw the Brave Girl info today...$1500. Wow! Think maybe I'll try one of the $99 on-line courses.

  3. Wow... I actually live in this area... I did not realize The Bravegirls are in my backyard.... I haven't really gotten a chance to check out their site but looked at their camp info... Would taken to save for that camp... McCall is beautiful. It sounds like a good on-line class to take.

  4. One thing I know about you - you are an artist!
    Hugs from a fellow flyer ;-))

  5. You are an artist.

    I love that phrase 'mean girl' - she's inside me now asking why are you doing ths?

    You go for it artist girl. :D

  6. Hi Lori, I love this little post of yours, written so beauitfully too, made me smile, giggle, read on and see bits of myself in there. You are definitely an artist and a worthy one too! Gorgeous Owl!! Liza xxx

  7. You are an Artist. I say, God makes no mistakes and when he made you, he made an Artist. Name it, claim it and be blessed...therein you bless others! Just saying...


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