
Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday Favorites

First, thanks again to everyone who participated in my little giveaway here last week.   I messed up the first drawing because I didn't count all the entries correctly, so we had two drawings.  I haven't heard from one of the winners.  So, Janelle, holla back! :)

For this week's Friday favorite, I have another cute face to show you:

I've mentioned before on the blog about the creative business class I took with Kelly Rae Roberts, artist, author, on-line instructor extraordinaire.  Well, in that class, I have met many other talented artists.   There's a crazy energy in this group that I have truly never experienced, an energy that it seems is propelling everyone forward at a much faster pace than could have been achieved alone.  It's kind of freaking me out, really. 

They are from across the US, Austrailia, Ireland, New Zealand, Scotland, Germany, Sweden and more! They are moms and grandmothers and sisters and wives and soul sisters.  They make wall art, assemblages, jewelry of all kinds, mosaics and other glass art.  They make quilts, other fabric art and beautiful photographs.  They write poetry and business plans and great blogs.  The combined talent in this group is really amazing.  I feel like I might have been promoted to the next class a little too soon, and I should probably be in the remedial section. 

We have a team on Etsy called Flying Lessons Alumni 2011 .  To give you an idea of the kind of talent and diversity that is found in this group, I made this Friday Favorites Flying Lessons Treasury of my favorite things from some of their shops.  I wish there were enough spaces to include something from every shop. 

Some of my classmates are not on Etsy, yet.  The little birdie face I showed you above is from a flyer that doesn't have an Etsy shop at the moment.  But, she's doing a fabulous thing!  There was a huge flood last month in New York state where she lives.  Kanchan Mahon is selling all her artwork from her website and donating ALL the proceeds to flood recovery efforts in her area.  You can check out her website  Her prices are very reasonable for works of art and it benefits people who have suffered great loss!

At the risk of making you really jealous because this one is no longer available, here's the whole birdie:

Here's the bottom line on art.  You can go to Target and buy some clearance art that was made in China or you can go to Etsy, other art sites, local art fairs or craft shows and buy directly from an artist--someone just like me and just like you. Someone who has a dream and is working with their hearts and their hands to give that dream wings.  When I took my Target art down and replaced it with Kanchan's bird, it changed the whole feel of the room.  Try it!  You'll like it!

Happy Friday, everyone!  May the good Lord bless your weekend with sweet dreams and daily reminders of His loving kindness.

<3 Lori


  1. You are a sweetheart, Lori! Don't ever forget that. And you know what? You write really well, too!

  2. Love this Lori! You are a special lady!!

  3. Hey Lori,
    I love how you write. Glad to be with you in the group. You said some lovely things in your post.

    Have a good weekend!

  4. great post. and it's true. one time i dared my fb followers to go to hobby lobby and find me 1 thing not made in china. and all of my clients agree that once you get a taste of the real deal, the cheap art doesn't cut it. have a great weekend!

  5. You're so right, Lori--Kanchan's piece is amazing and is so great to have because it's handmade by a great gal!


  6. ALL you guys are so sweet to honor my art in such a way! Thank you Lori, and thank you Jill, Janet,Kelley, Deborah and jeaheartworks!


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