
Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday Favorites

Helloooooo, Friday! 

Last week on Friday Favorites, I highlighted my absolute favorite rock star blogger, creative-soul business woman.  This week I'm highlighting my absolute favorite rock star creative-soul adoptive mom. 

First lemme show you something that will help you understand why this hit number 2 on my Friday Favorites....Actually, if I'd thought of it sooner, this would have beaten Pioneer Woman's pretty hair, funny blog, and awesome girlie stand mixer by about 7713 miles (as the crow flies).

(prepare to swoon)

This little beauty is Mia.  She was adopted in Taiwan by my friends Jason and Kate. They live in Missouri with Mia, her brother Mason and sister Madison.  They love each other a lot.  Adoption rocks!  This picture cracks me up:

I followed closely the adoption story as it unfolded--document signing, approvals, home studies, more approvals, passports, checking in for flights, arrivals.  It felt like I was right there with them.  When Kate posted the pictures from the trip, I clicked through them, anticipation pushing me forward, waiting for the moment.  This moment:  

Still makes me weepy. ::sap::

Since they hit the adoption jackpot the first time around, they, understandably, want to do it again.  Kate has a lovely little boutique at Esty called The Adopt Shoppe where all the proceeds from her sales go towards their next adoption.  She makes cute tile necklaces, braided fabric bracelets, leather bracelets, necklaces created from paper beads rolled by women in Uganda...all kinds of great stuff.  You should go there and look around.  You'll find something you love!   I bought this, which I love, love, LOVE:

~~Here's the best part~~


Happy Giveaway!!

You can be entered in one of two ways:

1.  You can leave a comment here on the blog (just make sure to click "follow" so that you can remember to check back later to see who won).  If you enter your comment as "anonymous", leave your name in the comment, so we'll know that you were the anonymous winner. :)  If you don't know which profile to choose, you can always use the Name/URL option.  If you don't have a website, just leave the URL part blank.


2. You can comment on the post with the blog link on my Facebook page LeissnerArt

Only one comment please.  


 You can get an extra entry if you share the Facebook post about this blog or otherwise plug the blog on your own Facebook page or on Twitter.  Just include how and where you shared in your comment, and you'll get an extra entry.  I'll draw using a random sampler on Sunday evening and post here, on Facebook and on Twitter.

Make sure you enter.  Mia wants you to win!

May the good Lord bless you today with sweet love stories and happy endings!

<3 Lori


  1. Hi Lori...I love adoption daughter is adopted. Its a pretty great "God Thing" type story. Have to share it with you some day :)

  2. Hey Lori! What a great friend you are to help out with this story. Have a great Friday!

  3. What a great idea, Lori!! I hope Kate's fund builds up fast. It should with great friends like you!!

    Luv your blog BTW!!

  4. Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful, happy, uplifting story. Great way to start a Friday morning. And, great idea for a give away too. I'll spread the word (although I think we have the same followers). :)

  5. what a great story, and I love The Adopt Shoppe jewelry, I bought a necklace from them and love it. Plan on buying more from them

  6. Nice blog, Lori! Great story. Can't believe it's Friday already. Are you SURE?

  7. Adoption rocks!!! My uncle was adopted, my two older brothers were adopted and my friend's daughter Sutida was adopted from Thailand....Mia is gorgeous...all the best to Kate and her family.

  8. Lori- count me in!!! Last year I bought all my teacher Christmas gifts from this talented gal. Love them.
    Thank you for such a generous give away!

  9. What a unique idea for her store. I would love to hear (at a future date) how it is working for her. It is similiar to a thread we had started on art and fundraising. Kind of thing I am interested in blogging about...we'll talk!
    Have a happy weekend. Julie

  10. I left a link to this blog post in my latest blogpost. :D

  11. I love Kate's jewelry -- I have several of her items!

  12. Oh, she is just precious! I've had adoption on my heart for a long time now....

  13. I as well love Kate's necklaces! I own 3 and have gifted a few of them

  14. You know I love ya', gal, and I look forward to reading your blog posts!


    (what do you mean, "which Lisa?". Colyer, of course!)

  15. I love this blog post! Many of our friends have chosen to adopt also. Going to check out her Etsy shop now : )

  16. Lori - this post hits close to my heart - I have contemplated adoption but funds is a big etsy shop to help supplement -well, I am not sure if that or the bracelet is the best part! xoxo This is soooooo going on my fb!! xo Renee Burke

  17. I love Kate's necklaces! I just purchased my first one but it most certainly won't be my last! I love the reason behind her shop and its such a blessing to see God's hand all over it!

  18. What a wonderful story - I will go check out her etsy shop - thanks for posting this.

  19. Lori, This is AMAZING! You are always doing things for others! May God bless you!

  20. Thanks so much to everyone who came and read the Clayton's story here and who visited Kate's shop! It's been so fun! There were two winners because I missed a couple of people on the first list before I posted the first winner. The lucky girls are Jennifer and Janelle!! Thanks again!

  21. wow, this is an awesome & wonderful giveaway. i love her etsy shop, and that photo of the three kids is the best thing i've seen all day. xo


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