1. I decided I needed new stronger bifocals because I'm embracing my inner old lady and she's legally blind. I ordered frames in "eggplant" because that's the color glasses an "artist" would wear.
photo cred sortacrunchy.net
2. Speaking of eyes, I'm having this crazy eye thing. When I look in the mirror, my eyes look normal. But they feel like they look like this:
It's starting to freak me out.
3. I have a teenager in the house. It's always been my theory that God designed it so that expectant mothers can't sleep in the last trimester because He knew they wouldn't be able to have another decent night's sleep in....well...ever, so they might as well get used to it. I think a similar sort of thing happens with teenagers. The last two years are stressful and sometimes bordering on miserable so that we aren't hanging onto their legs and wailing when it's time for them to move out.
4. I need to keep paper and a pen in the car so that I can take note of my brilliant but ever more fleeting thoughts.. I had a list of things I wanted to put in this blog post. I wrote it on a slip of paper in the car with a pen that didn't really work. Now I can't find the list, and I can't remember what was on it. I'm sure the fourth item was going to be hilariously funny and/or deeply moving. You'll just have to trust me.
<3 Lori