
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My Dear Little Girlies

Maybe I'm the only one.....But I'm going to go ahead and ask anyway and potentially expose my inner psycho.  Have you ever tried on a garment and hated it SO much that you want to buy it just so that you can take it home, chop it into little pieces, break into a pouring sweat digging a fire pit in the backyard where you can burn the pieces, mix the ashes in with the chicken feed, scoop the chicken poop to use as fertilizer for a flower garden so that you can grow something lovely to replace the nastiness that was that garment you tried on?   No?  Yeah, me neither. ::wipes sweat from brow and tries to hide the shovel::

OK! OK!  I confess!  I did feel that way when I tried on the swimwear that was delivered from Land's End today.  There is not much that is more humbling than trying on a swimsuit.  One more reason to really like winter!  It's basketball season; I look better in darker colors; I like fuzzy slippers, and there's no need for swimwear! Sign me up!

My mom gave me a bag of really old letters from the 1920's and 1930's that she's had in her attic for a long time to use in my art projects.  In some of them, a grandmother writes to her granddaughters beginning her letters with, "My dear little girlies".  I LOVE that!  I want to be one of those girls receiving those letters!  So, I used one of the greetings in my new mixed media piece called "My Dear Little Girlies".

Against a background of weight loss schemes, girdle ads, and dress patterns from a 1950's McCall's magazine, my little love note to all the girlies who might have to try on swimwear this summer is this:

Not a size two
And happy to be
The only girl who
Can be perfectly ME.

And feel free to call if you need a hand with your garden. :)

May the Lord bless you today and remind you of how perfectly perfect you are.

<3 Lori


  1. Lori, you're a scream! I was laughing out loud as I read this. Looking at myself in a swimsuit is like watching a horror flick :) Thanks for the humor and i love your art. Hugs, Terri

  2. What a great piece (My Dear Little Girlies)... love it!

  3. Love your humour and your story of Dear little girlies

  4. Thanks, ladies!! So glad you are here!

    Blessings to you all <3 Lori


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