
Thursday, June 16, 2011

I've Lost My Mind....and my boob

The title is a little misleading.  I've definitely lost my mind, but I do know where my boobs are right now.  All three of them.  Well, to be honest, I don't know exactly where two of them are.  I don't know if prosthetic breast humor is appropriate for blogging or not.  I guess if it's not, surely the blog police will issue me a warning for a first offense.

I said the other day that I sometimes write silly poetry.  Here's the latest that pays homage to lost minds and missing boobs. 


Where are my glasses?  I can't find my purse.
Just when it seems better, I realize it's worse.

My brain has these dark spots where light doesn't shine.
That's where stuff is hiding--the lost stuff of mine.

The name of that person. The quote I just found.
My paintbrush. My checkbook. That thingie that's round.

The most frustrating thing..I don't want to be rude...
But what gets me most is when I can't find my boob.

I should be more careful and put it away.
But I just want to throw it by the end of the day.

It's been in a basket and out in the car.
It doesn't have legs!  It can't have gone far!

Some women are late when they can't find their keys.
I appreciate that, but they got nothin' on me.

My issue is this--I can't leave my house
When a body part's absent that should be in my blouse.


It all started with this.  And then there came this.  Now that my brain is locked in rhyme mode, there's no telling what else might come up.

May God bless you today and help you find your missing stuff.

<3  Lori

PS.  If you want to get see new art, read some really lame poetry, and hear about giveaways, you have to like my Facebook page--LeissnerArt


  1. Hi Lori,
    Greetings from Virginia! I came across your lovely "Bird Art" on Brave Girls Club and just wanted to stop by your blog and visit. What a wonderful place, and beautiful poetry AND Art. Your blog is a real breath of fresh air. And the "boob poem" is my favorite, I Love It. So a big "Thanks" for sharing your awesome talent with us all. As another Brave Girl, I will enjoy visiting with you often. P.S. I lost my Mom to breast cancer when she was 57 and she would have laughed out-loud while reading this poem. Laughter is an amazing medicine that heals, so again, Thank You!!!

  2. Girl, your crazy! Crazy funny and crazy sweet.

  3. Thanks so much for being here! <3 Lori

  4. Lori, you not only made me laugh, you gave me a warm glow. Your personality leaps out of your work and I'm glad to have found you. From Angela, a fellow 'Flyer'


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