
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Facebook, Blogger, Esty--Oh My!

Man! Starting a business is hard even if you never actually have to leave the house.  Nevertheless, here we go...I'm following the yellow brick road. :)

I've done a lot of jobs in my life--drove a grain truck for my dad hauling wheat to the elevator, hoed in the cotton field, worked in my parents' convenience store, delivered pizza, cleaned mouse cages and dog runs, taught English to 7th graders (I'd rather chop cotton), trained bill collectors (sorry!), worked in the office at Girl Scouts (I'd rather clean mouse cages), and read case files for quality assurance at my current gig.  I'm grateful that God has graced me with a way to help support my family and SO blessed that I've had a job for 10 years that has allowed me to be home with my kids every day after school.  I've only been involuntarily out of work for 5 months since I was old enough to work.   I praise God for that blessing!

At the same time, I've sat at a lot of desks praying for God to provide me a way to spread his message while allowing me to earn a livelihood, to spend more time keeping my home life together, and to create tangible work products that bring happiness or hold meaning.  Please say a little prayer for me that this is it.

Follow, follow, follow, follow
Follow the yellow brick road!

<3  Lori



  1. Where is my comment? I will try again! I am SO with you on this post. It will be fun to travel on this journey together and see where we are led. I will be saying prayers for you! Would love your prayers as well.

  2. Hi Lori
    I found yoiur blog via the "little bird" daily emails from Brave Girls.

    I LOVE your art! :-) Hope you do well.

    I'd love to recruit you and your art for my favourite cause - blogblast for peace. You can find out about that on youtube, facebook or here:

    Please think of joining us this year... but don't take a template yet! LOL I'm busy tidying some of them up for Mimi. :-)


Thanks so much for visiting my page. I can't always reply but please know I always read and I appreciate so much you reading and sharing my world.